
  • 濟(jì)南研發(fā)用快速紅外熱像儀 FLIR A6700sc
  • 無損檢測器材制造業(yè)發(fā)展趨勢
  • 轉(zhuǎn)速測量方法與轉(zhuǎn)速儀表
  • 數(shù)字式超聲波探傷儀工作原理及優(yōu)點
  • 什么是絕對溫度
  • 里氏硬度計使用
  • 熱電偶常見故障及處理
  • 旋轉(zhuǎn)蒸發(fā)器的異,F(xiàn)象與解決方案
  • 場強(qiáng)儀測量單位換算表
  • 布氏硬度(HB)原理
  • 2022年,預(yù)計全市地區(qū)生產(chǎn)總值超過1.2萬億元,一般公共預(yù)算收入可比增長8%,固定資產(chǎn)投資增長5%,社會消費品零售總額達(dá)到4820億元。出臺助企紓困25條政策,為中小微企業(yè)提供擔(dān)保貸款168億元,減稅退稅降費超過1000億元,幫助3.8萬家中小微企業(yè)及個體工商戶融資527.9億元,市場主體增至149.7萬戶。發(fā)放消費券2.17億元,新引進(jìn)商業(yè)品牌首店55家。260個市級重點項目完成投資2320.8億元。新增進(jìn)出口實績企業(yè)1656家,預(yù)計全年完成進(jìn)出口2190億元、同比增長15%左右,跨境電商進(jìn)出口額增長50%以上。預(yù)計全市地區(qū)生產(chǎn)總值超過1.2萬億元,一般公共預(yù)算收入可比增長8%,固定資產(chǎn)投資增長5%,社會消費品零售總額達(dá)到4820億元。
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    當(dāng)前位置:首頁 > 濟(jì)南儀器儀表 > 濟(jì)南環(huán)境檢測儀器 > 濟(jì)南紅外熱像儀
    型 號:FLIR A6700sc
    品 牌:美國FLIR
    技術(shù)指標(biāo): 640 x 512
    濟(jì)南研發(fā)用快速紅外熱像儀-FLIR A6700sc-美國FLIR

    Compact, thermal imaging camera with cooled InSb detector at an extremely affordable price.  

    Designed for electronics inspections, medical thermography, manufacturing monitoring, and non-destructive testing, FLIR A6700sc is ideal for high-speed thermal events and moving targets.


    High sensitivity, crisp thermal images
    FLIR A6700sc incorporates a cooled Indium Antimonide (InSb) detector that operates in the 3- to 5-micron waveband.  Optionally, a broadband version that operates in the 1-5 micron waveband is available. Both versions produce crisp thermal images of 640 x 512.  Achieving a high thermal sensitivity of <20 mK, FLIR A6700sc is able to capture the finest image details and temperature difference information.

    Synchronization and triggering
    Precise camera synchronization and triggering makes the cameras ideal for high-speed, high sensitivity applications. Working in snapshot mode the FLIR A6700sc is able to register all pixels from a thermal event simultaneously. This is particularly important when monitoring fast moving objects where a standard IR camera would suffer from image blur. The camera supports image frame rates up to 480 frames per second in when operating in windowing mode.

    Using a standard GigE Vision™ interface to transmit both commands and full dynamic range digital video FLIR A6700sc is a true “plug and play” thermal imaging camera.  Simultaneous analog and digital outputs are available.


    Cold filters available
    Custom cold filtering options for specific spectral detection and measurement are available. Perfect for imaging through glass, measuring temperature of thin film plastics, filtering different wavebands for laser profiling and detection, or optical gas imaging

    The FLIR A6700sc camera works seamlessly together with FLIR ResearchIR Max software enabling intuitive viewing, recording and advanced processing of the infrared data provided by the camera. Each camera comes standard with this especially for R&D applications developed software. A Software Developers Kit (SDK) is optionally available.

    Key features

    • Excellent image quality: 640 x 512 pixels
    • High sensitivity: <20 mK
    • High speed image acquisition: up to 480 Hz
    • Synchronization: with other instruments
    • Extender rings available
    • Wide choice of optics
    電話:0532-83812497 83821263
    傳真:0532-88786387 網(wǎng)址:www.zhongqili.com
    青島東方嘉儀電子科技有限公司 版權(quán)所有 備案號: 魯ICP備08106748號